Legal Notice

This on-line shop, and related domain, belongs to Jordi Bosch i Capdevila / Tot Shirts, with fiscal adress at Ctra d'Olot 19, 17850 Besalú (Girona) and legal VAT: ES40333840M.

All our products are in stock, except possibly stock breaks, or should be sent in 24/48 hours. If they can't be sent in 48 hours, we will mail as soon as possible.

All designs belongs to or has been authorized to work with. Only in "Sales" you can find some design given to Tallaferro Music when it was a shop in Girona and we don't print anymore.

All designs are rights protected and they can't be used without authorization of shops owners.

Links in this web are not owned by and we don't have any kind of control about they contents. Likewise, the opinions some visitors can leave in our web aren't responability of web's owners. This content is revised periodically and we will remove all inappropriated, offensice, injury texts and the users will be banned.

In front of any discussion, we will try to arrange a good deal for both parts.

Printing Service

We offer a digital printing service, Textile Vinyl service or promotional Printings. All images and logos we print are given by the buyer and we accept they are the owners of all rights about them.

We reserve the rights to not work with offensive, racist, or against the law images.


This webshop has been done using Prestashop Shopping Cart Software

Information regarding online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 Para. 1 of the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution Regulation):

The European Commission gives consumers the opportunity to resolve online disputes pursuant to Art. 14 Para. 1 of the ODR on one of their platforms. The platform ( serves as a site where consumers can try to reach out-of-court settlements of disputes arising from online purchases and contracts for services.